Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How about them Carolina Games??

Who thinks the Games will win the SEC East this year? How about the SEC Title? How will they do against LSU next week?

How would you make an artistic sculpture like these?

Um, it`s probably some kind of plastic. I`ve seen something similar and when you touch it, it has a plastic feeling.

Is 3 years old too young to go snow sledding?

My son just went sledding down hill with friends. He was the youngest kid sledding, but he was a natural. He is 3 1/2 years old but looks like he's 4 1/2 cuz he's big for his age. I told a friend of mine that my son went sledding and she said "gurl you gotta watch all that sledding". Don't you think it's fine for a 3 1/2 year old to sled down a really small hill with his neighborhood friends?

Canadian to US immigration/work/marriage questions, please help!?

I suggest going back to Canada and reentering then applying for a resident alien status and work visa . If you marry before these steps are taken you might be subject to deportation . Many things regarding immigration and marriage to US citizens changed after 9/11 . You definitely need to get your ducks in a row before you marry .

On Chinese New Year lanterns, what do they write on them?

I am doing a project on Chinese New Year for Chinese at school and what do the writing on New Year lanterns usually mean?

German: Should I use 'gr�n', 'gr�ne', or 'gr�nes' for this sentence?

I'm describing David Bowie, and trying to say 'He has one green eye, and one blue eye.' So would it be 'Er hat ein gr�n auge, und ein blau auge.'?

Any sites about Quetzalcoatl?

I need a site/sites about Quetzalcoatl and how he was remembered by the cocoa tree. I haven't been able to find anything that ociates him with it. I believe it was a myth about him that said that his worshippers remembered him by the cocoa tree.

Can I use sand for my guppy aquarium?

Well im not sure about aquatic turtles but for guppies it doesnt really matter. If your filter product guide says do not use with sand or not recommended dont use it. Also the sand if your a beginner may be harder on you because its easier to clean gravel and when you disturb the sand slightly your tank is messy for 1-2 hours. So its your choice. :) Good luck

Was I too harsh with my daughter?

My wife and I have a 6 year old daughter who is really out of control. She is the type you see in the grocery store who calls her parents "stupid" and tells her mother to "shut up" We were at our wits end and then when I found an old mask I used for halloween and it gave me an idea, I would scare some respect into her. This thing has a black hood and is a scary grim reaper face. I waited until she want to bed, stuck it up to the light to get a good glow and then went into her room and woke her up. I told her "I am SKULLman and I am her to PUNISH you!!" She started to cry and I put the part of the mask with sharp teeth against her head and said,"I wil be back if you misbehave...GRRRROOOOOOOWWWWRRRR!" She was good for about a week and when she acted up I said to her,"honey, we don't need to call Mr. Skullman now do we?' I feel like she needed some healthy fear of authority and now she has it. My wife thinks I went to far.

Friend molested for a year @ 11 yrs old by step-father.?

Wow converse, you're a huge *****. I myself don't know exactly what to tell you legally. I believe counseling is definitely very important, but from a legal standpoint I suggest you seek advice from someone who specializes in the field. It's awful that things like that have to happen to people, and I truly hope your friend comes out of things ok (which I know is hoping a lot) and that the is punished and burns in hell for what he did, because that is completely (I know it'll be censored) ****** up.

Do I look like any famous person, or resemble any characters?

yes your pretty..I really like you hair, its nice... and you look kind of like Hilary Duff.. she's beautiful ..

Extra skin in ? helppp.?

ok so i have this extra skin by my . it's not like a flap, but its there. it's been there since i was little. is this normal? i'm kinda worried. is it norman to have little bits of extra skin some places? please. i'm freakiing out here.

Why are the us military are so dumb when recruiting?

Listen so called intellects i should have the same right to join the army as anyone else, i scored a 92 on the asvab. Can run a mile in seven minutes unlike rich people who swim through high school i had a troubled childhood and staying four years was unbearable. Look if i have no criminal history and willing to die for my country then i should have the honor to fight for my country. George Washington never asked his soldiers if they ped high school but some how they defeated the British empire. So don't give me the ridiculous excuses that service for your nation has to be restricted because you didn't stay four years at day care talking about laguna beach. I deserve to serve.

My grandmother died and I feel so depressed and anxious - can someone help me? ?

think of her life not her deth and inside your self selebrate the good and bad remember what she was and who whe was but remember her death is a gift from above and if you are sad and all is sad then her life will have ment nothing

Hamlet 2 quotes, Amy Poehler?

Today my teacher said he was thinking of this really horrible inappropriate quote from hamlet 2 that Amy Pohler's character said. Horrible enough to where he could get into A LOT of trouble for saying it. Could anyone tell me what phrases she says that are that inappropriate? Like HORRIBLY? or any at all?

I'm looking at an MRI report and of course do not know what it means!?

Can someone explain? a loss of signal is seen in the intervertabal disc spaces at multiple levels consistent with degenerative disc disease. on the signal images there is a mild step-off at L-4 & L-5 suggesting a grade 1 subulaxation. there is a round focal bright signal seen in the T-12 verteral body on T2 weighted sequence which shows heterogeneous insensity on T2 SPIR suggesting fatty infiltration.

I just need to know should i listen?

I posted up something lastnight about how I got a catscan done xray. Sonagram done and blood work and echo cardigram done and evrything was fin nothing showed anything wrng with my heart or blood and I ask. If I should worry bout my heart because my friend alwaays scareing me saying I can have cardiac arrest then someone wrote as a answer to me-Tests probably aren't necessary, just a stethoscope and simple blood work. You may end up needing Inderal/Propranolol....now should I listen to that..that's saying that doc aren't always right on the test they do I had so many test done. Should u listen to my friend and this person ho just wrote this to me??????

Scifi furturestic movie man guy must have been in millitary before drives a supped up dunbuggy?

dunebuggy had hot android chick in the top of the dunebuggy torret. she does die in the middle of the movie. man guy then falls in a water trapp ran by girls they then make a deal of some sort to be helped

What do you think of my poem?

It's not bad but I think you're taking on bigger issues than you can handle, I stick with little things myself.... but not bad

Which Bible translations of John 1:1 more ACCURATELY depict what John was conveying concerning 'The Word'?

~~B of course In my opinion scripture should support scripture ex. Ps 83:18 there it tells us the name of the MOST HIGH JEHOVAH not jesus denoting TWO different beings Old doctrines that arent bible base are dieing Proverb 4 18" the path of the righteous one is like the bright light that is getting lighter and ligther until the day is FIRMLY established""

Why would anyone vote for a Democrat?

How could anyone vote for a political party that supports higher taxes, socialism, criminal rights over victims rights, minority special privledges, abortion on demand, expanded welfare programs that benefit the lazy, political correctness, illegal immigration, gay marriage, government healthcare and a terrorists bill of rights while standing against our military mission in Iraq, a free market capitalist economy, limited federal government, national sovereignty and autonomy, free religious expression in the public square and personal property rights?

Someone said Sue Bird was married... to who? ?

Who is Sue Bird married to? and when? Usually you know who's married in the WNBA like Lindsey whalen, Katie Douglas etc. But never have I heard that she was even dating anyone. So... is she really married?

Opinions on Dream Theater's Meta album?

I've been so hooked on Dream Theater for the past few months now. I really can not stop listening to each and every one of their albums... After looking up information on both the band and the music they write, I am absolutely fascinated by the work that they've done and their accomplishments. One thing that I am most fascinated by is their meta album, which some of you may not be aware exists. It is made up of Metropolis Part 2: Scenes from a Memory, Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence, Train of Thought, and Octavarium (in that order). These 4 albums are all linked together and you'll notice that the end of each album leads into the beginning of the next album. I think this concept is just amazing. It's comprised of over 5 hours of music and I can not stop listening to it. Was anyone else aware of this and if so, what are your opinions?

Story writting, help with names?

I use the Fantasy Name Generator, run off a bunch of names and then go through them to find one that fits. It's saved me many a time. :) A lot of the things it comes up with are useless, but often you can find a good half of a name and cobble something together for the other half that sounds perfect!

Make a creative sentence using these words...?

I was riding a sour giraffe through a drive-thou a subway when a marker in the road blocked our path and the only way to escape was to float around it vie bubble wrap.

Who is hotter...Robert Pattinson, or Taylor Lautner?

My friends and i are having this huge debate about who is hotter. Personally, i llloooovvveee Rob, kee hee..who do u think is hotter?

I love him, but he went crazy. I need help.?

My boyfriend and I were together for about four months. We were in complete love. We were great together. We shared so many similarites and got along amost perfectly. When we did fight, we were usually drunk. Every so often during our fights he has grabbed me, not letting me walk away if I was mad. But, one morning, being the grumpy person I am, I kinda gave him attitude as soon as we woke up. No drugs, no drinking were involved. He proceeded to grab my head and slam it a few times, pretty hard, into the wall behind me. I was so freaked out and hurt. This went on for about a half hour. I tried to run because I could see in his eyes, it was not him. He kept on hitting, throwing and choking me if I tried to retaliate. So, I sat in a corner and just cried while he repeated "good, you belittle me, now you know how bad it hurts." I have a restraining order now. But I miss the man I fell in love with. He has told me he wants help because he loves me. How do I get over this situation?

Should I start Owen Daniels or Zach Miller in Week 1?

Also Matt Schaub is my quarterback....The Texans are playing the Colts and the Raiders are playing the Titans

Help...don't know what is going on here...?

I am a 28 yo mother to 3 children, ages 10,8 and 7. My husband had a vasectomy 6 years ago, and came back clear. I am 10-12 days late, my LMP was June 3rd. I very heavily ovulated around June 17th because I spotted brown for a couple of days and had TONS of EWCM. Well, on day 8 of being late, I spotted pink and brown, and it has stopped today. I have taken numerous hpt's and they are all negative. I also went in for a blood test today at my doctor, and it was negative too. The blood test is the one where they put drops of blood on the cette and if it shows 2 lines its positive. Sorta like the dollar store hpt's. My dr said that she wants me to retest this weekend with another hpt, and in the meantime get an appt with my OB/GYN and have another blood test and an transl ultrasound. My have enlarged, I have sticky clear nipple discharge, nighttime indigestion and nauea bouts. I haven't been under any unreasonable stress, and I haven't had any new meds, etc. Has anyone went through this before and ended up pregnant?

Monday, November 14, 2011

December 21st,2012-do you believe it?

I don't want to believe it. However, I've seen a lot of specials about it on the History Channel, and they've made some pretty convincing cases. Still, why worry about something that's so far outside of humankind's control?

My 7 year old cat came in from outside yesterday and was partially paralized on her right side?

Did you tell the vet about her ear problems? Maybe it is an inner ear infection that is causing pressure and causing her not to be able to stand or walk. Just a thought.

4 minute mile,how close have u got?

Rodger Bannister was the first man to officialy break the 4 minute mile, and since people have went even faster however,what about all u amatur runners out there...?Whats the quickest mile you have ever ran???

Why do people insist on giving there kids stupid and "Unique" names??

Don't people realize what unique means? IT MEANS DIFFERENT!! Kids love to pick out differences and make fun of the kids that have them! There's nothing like picking a name like Cameron Quinn or Sebastian Exsavior (both boy names mind you) to totally ruin your kids life and make him miserable. Some people even have the gall to say "as long as both parents like it, then go with it!" NO! This is a kid were talking about not a pet! It's bad enough that your bringing another person on to this God forsaken rock, to top it off you have to doom them to a life of ridicule and pain by giving them a completely ridiculous name!?

Is the Motorola Pebl U6 phone a good phone?

No camera.But it's a very cute phone and easy to txt on and very small.It has bluetooth,and txting and games.

Where is that pop culture equivalent of Wikipedia?

There was a pop culture/ internet culture encyclopedia that looked exactly like Wikipedia. I found links to it several times via MySpace and LiveJournal. It's not urbandictionary.com, but it has the same idea.

In a recipe that calls for cheddar cheese can i use a mexican four cheese blend?

it's for a mexican dish but i was just wondering if it would make a huge difference in the taste. the blended cheese does have cheddar in it.

“power never takes a back step – only in the face of more power”?

does malcolm x mean that a person with power, like a dictator never goes back or retreats, only when faced with a greater power?

Am i fat???????????????????

Im about 60 kg and i think five foot seven? i have muscles from dancing... im a 14yr old girl...is thi an ok dancign figure

All woman please add ur comment?

Ok here goes im with my husband for 8yrs and we have four children,here is the problem he wont leave me alone and keeps pestering me for and is constantly touching me example:every time i walk past him he either smacks me on the bum which i don't mind but keeps grabbing my too which i hate and he knows this i get soo angry when he does it but he just thinks its funny i get soo angry with him over it,even when i try to sleep at night he does it anychance he gets he cops a feel it drives me mad .Am i over reacting and should be happy he still wants me..? Please leave your comment on this

Do you have a N64....?

i did have onwe but i lost it my favourate game was super mario 64 and mario kart 64 f zero X , super smash bros

Runescape: best Mac f2p bot?

I'm on a MacBook that doesn't have great updates but I was wondering if there were any free rs bots that run on it? Thanks

Does anyone else wish that j.k rowling would write about a beginning of lord voldermorts life?

I mean im 19 and harry potter is one of my favorite books, mainly though because now im an english major and books are one of my favorite aspects of life, so ive read a bunch of different type of literature. But harry potter opened me up to all other readings, but anyways, my favorite character ever to exist is lord voldemort. He definetely is a complex characters and i know bothing too much about his life, do you think she wanted it to be that way, so he would forever remain evil? or did she not put too much thought into it, and i just think that? I personally wish she would though.

I need help plz help me. Am i a nerd or loser?

1st ill tell u i have 3 older bros and 1 lil sis. i am 14 yr old and a freshmen. my bros r 15, 18, and 24. my mom died so i live wit my older bros and lil sis. my bros who r 15 and 18 pick on me all the time. So im picked on at school and home. i tak my anger out on my lil sis whos 9. i try 2 say sorry but sometimes im 2 mad. heres my question if seniors r mean to me everyday and so r my bros friends and bro whos a sopre am i a nerd? And what can i do? Im a football player and hav friends but older ppl r a problem. what can i do? Help?

Need Runescape homies?

Sup people i play this game called runescape and im a member and im level 85 and i have all my skills to at least 30 except farming and summoning. Well i would just like to say i really need some homies to hang out with over runescape. im down for anything so yeah my username is afpjr. im really rich =) so yeah well anyway you need to be a member and at least level 60 to be my homie tell me your username before i add you... oh and i am usually on world 100

Pink eye ?????

my daughter who is almost 6 months old, her left eye is bloodshot and had some green slime come out of it could she have pinkeye at this age or is it allergies

Is this yet more union PORK from San Fran Nan's "most ethical Congress in history"?

What's wrong with teacher layoffs? Just like every profession there's good and bad. This is a great opportunity to cull the deadwood.

Are you a Metalhead?!?

I am a metalhead with a beard and long hair (of course) and i'm Finnish. How about you? If your a metalhead, I salute you, If not, go eat yourself.

What are your top 10 all time favorite movies?

In no particular order, I like Girl With the Long Hair(1975, Hong Kong), City Hunter (1992, Hong Kong), Aguirre der Zorn Gottes (1972, Germany), Manji Mai (1995, Japan), Yojimbo (1961, Japan), The Count of Monte Cristo (11 versions, but I prefer the 1961 French one), Lord of the Rings trilogy (2001-2003, Australia) and Zero Woman 3 (1996, japan).

What resort in colorado has the best terrain park?

In Colorado, most of the park rats head to Keystone because they have really modern and up to date jibs, hits, kickers, everything you can imagine and they keep it in pristine condition. Personally I'm a fan. Another good park would be found at Breckenridge.

Do you believe the Raiders will do horrible or be the breakout team of the year?

I honestly think that the Raiders will be a fantastic team this upcoming year. Although Al Davis is a questionable at best owner, he has signed some decent players. For one the Raiders have signed DeAngelo Hall, although he has a history of misbehaving and such, he is a fantastic man to man cover corner. Alongside Nnamdi, the Raiders will have one of the best Cornerback Tandem in the league argueable by Denver, but with signing Hall, the Raiders have basically the best Secondary in the league. They have a fantastic Lineback Corp led by youngin' Thomas Howard, he had a great year by leading the league with 6 int. Their D-Line ok at best, they have re-signed Tommy Kelly to a very large deal, alongside the questionbly injury prone Tommy Kelly, they have Derrick Burgress. Derrick Burgess was once a top sack gainer in the league, he has been elected to Pro Bowls in the past, and he still has alot in him. He led the league 3 years ago with 16 sacks, if the D-line pull their act.. TBC

Is my personality/ lifestyle attractive?

Smoking's a turn off. And I know plenty of 17 year olds drink, but try to not drink at all until its legal (but don't go crazy then either)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Why is my hair color coming off?

Yesterday i went to the salon to dye my hair a burgundy color and my hair stylist said that the color doesn't come OFF until ur OWN hair grows and ur own color comes out soo i showered today and i see on my tub red is it because maybe she didn't wash my hair good? or did she lie because it isn't suppose to come off?

How do I write an intro sentence for an essay?

The first word of the greatest war story ever told, Homer's _Iliad_ is "μῆνιν"--"anger" [pronounced "menin"]. Homer had it right. Anger lies behind war, from ancient times to the present. [you go on from there]

Websites for cheaper flights to europe?

I have already searched for flights to sweden on the well known sites, like travelocity orbitz expedia priceline pinpoint hotline watchdog....ALL OF THEM!!! any small sites you know that have cheap last minute flights to sweden. my price range is upto 600 USD

Am i too big for a 2 piece?

i probly am but i just wanna hear whatyou think....anywho i'm five eight and i weight one sixty five - one seventy.....is this to big? probly huh? lemme know...and please be nice

18 month old with green stringy slimey poop?

My 18 month old son has had strange bowel movements for the past week. They are green and have like stringy slime or mucus. He is acting fine and doesn't seem to be sick or anything. He hasn't been eating anything different than usual. What could be causing this and should I be worried about it? I plan to call his doctor on Monday but I just wanted some thoughts in the mean time. Oh and he did have some type of viral thing like 2 weeks ago. His doctor said it was a viral fever, he had a temperature of 103 for 3 days. He has been fine since then. Could that illness from 2 weeks ago have anything to do with this mucus in his poop?

Are life insurance benefits taxable?

Generally, no. They can be taxable if the beneficiary of the policy is the estate but not if the beneficiary is a person.

Hopeless at flirting?

This sounds really sad, but apparently (according to my friends) its really, really obvious when i like a guy and suck at flirting. So how do i flirt subtly, but get a guys attention at the same time?

I my boy friend did pullout method will i be pregnant?

i and my boyfriend did continuesly for one week every time he will pull out when sperm comes and for 2days he left inside only.now i can feel my stomach puting waite.would i be pregnant?

Cancer boy came back came back to me, I have some questions?

I don't know why but some of the stuff you've said are quite dramatic to the point where if its just out of your own imagination ...but whatever, ""because I am also attracted to women" caught my eyes ..he knows it too right? but anyways, he's prolly one of those that love to play "hard to get"...I think he was aite with your aggressive chasing but i think its gone out of hand that he gets annoyed and bored by the chasing..........coz honestly, us cancers get bored easily especially if we're not sure if thats the girl we WANT to be with (despite confessing that I like that girl its still doesn't mean awhole lot coz we just say what u want to hear)........either way, his "hard to get" attitude is just gonna be a reflection of his moodiness. Can u handle that about him? He can either be really pionate about u one day, and then treat u like dirt and crap the next day. I know I'm like that type of cancer dudes, maybe he's one too.

I want to join the Army as soon as I can but I need some guidance!?

I'm 15 and currently live in Scotland I have had no problems whatsoever at School but within the past year I have had on and off attendance partly because of my suffering of glandular fever and partly because of my deliberate non-attendance of school as a result of bullying and depression i lost touch with my friends and found myself alone i couldn't face going back to school and my confidence was next to nothing this went on unnoticed for a long time i would hide and dispose of letters from the school and lie to my mum she used to leave very early in the morning so there was no way she could know i wasnt going I am consequently a rather intelligent person so I have been not only letting my family down but myself down and my grades have suffered as a result somehow i managed to climb out of the pit of depression and despair when I turned myself in to the school because i couldnt take what i was doing to my mum but it had become such a habit, like an addiction i would tell myself that i would go to school the night before then be unable to the next day more recently i have started attending school again and my confidence is on the up as well as my self-esteem I do intend to join the Army but i am worried that if I go to join they will turn me away because of my School Attendance does anyone know there policy and please be light on me this is a difficult subject and this is my dream I have researched it and delved deep into the sites and what is asked of me, I am a mentally tough person who is motivated and strong after maturing and getting myself out of that mess, I apologise this is written horribly as I find it hard to explain it to anyone, but if you can piece what I have said together and give me and answer or an email address i could do with the advice or at least some guidance as to what i should do.

Whats the key differences between creativity and innovation?

Off the top of my head - creativity is the ability to come up with new ideas, whereas innovation is actually introducing them. But I haven't checked the precise dictionary definitions ;)

Looking for LGBT book recs, especially related ones!?

Hmm, I'd recommend Karin Kallmaker as her books are related. The Dawning was really good, had a good storyline (if you're into sci-fi) and also a lot of romance. The House on the Sandstone, Pages for You, Empress of the World (teenage-ish but still quite good) and also Gerri Hill. She's a good writer and has written a lot of books! :)

True or False - history?

The delegates at the state constitutional convention wanted to exclude all African Americans--both free and slave--from the state.

Is it wrong?

yea, its really hard to tell those kids anything without sounding like your lecturing, even though the age gap may be just barely 9-10 years difference!!

I hate but love being a harry potter fan?

Hmm, maybe but if he does come back, it will most likely be through the portrait. I hope Sirius comes back. He won't in human form though because J.K. has already said he won't but hopefully in some other form!

Will the other three NFC West teams improve 2 pursue the � title?

When the 2008-2009 season started, I umed the Seahawks only would reach the playoffs. I didn't expect the three NFC West teams, among 'em Seattle, 2 lose that many games. I think the 49ers displayed potential when Mike Singletary took over. & free agency could dramatically weaken AZ next season. So will the pursuit of the NFC West title become more interesting in 2009-2010?

Am I coming off too strong with this girl?

It seems as though you've definitely grown on her. If she's spending that much time with you voluntarily and is kind of upset when you leave you're doing everything right. You could even stand to ebb it off a bit to get her to like you even more because you're of higher value than her. I say continue what you're doing or turn it off slightly which is hard because you obviously like her if you're willing to write this much about her. And all of it well paragraphed. You'll be fine with this girl if you don't speed things up too quickly :)

Ko von kaiser in 5 punches!!!!???? In punchout wii?

Those are the right directions, the trick is to throw the punch right before he says "mommy" That way you are hitting him while he says it.

Total cholesterol(98), HDL(22), LDL(31) VLDL(44), Tryglycerides is(224). should I be overly concerned?

I also have a fatty liver, fatty lymph nodes, enlarged liver and spleen, had my gall bladder removed 5 years ago. I had a TIA 9 years ago, recently suffered from Bells palsy (left side of face went numb). I am a male 40 yrs old 5'10 and 205 pounds. I was a truck driver till september when i could not handle the job anymore. I am NOT a drinker at all.. though I had been accused of drinking by my dr more than once when blood work came back, and was never once told why he kept asking if I drank over and over again. I do not smoke either, not currently on ANY meds (I was on lipod for 2 weeks a few months ago - made me sick and I stopped it and changed doctors at that time) I am trying to find information on LOW cholesterol.. I can find everything about HIGH but not LOW. I have NO energy and sleep alot too.

Wats is the procedure to renew pport?

ahhh, I am from Canada so not sure if it is the same but i would ume it is... You would have to go to your nearest governmental place and seek guidance from them where you can renew your pport and the procedure normally is just that you fill out the forms again, pay the nominal fee and they take your picture and then you wait from 2 weeks to a couple months...

Ear Hurts When I Drink Cold Liquids?

My ear hurts when I drink cold liquids. But other than that, I'm fine. No fever, no cold. But I can feel a very slight twinge of pain in my left ear. The sharp pain happens when I cough, or drink something cold.

What about David Ragan, only 12 points out?

I hope Ragan & Kahne make it... Hamlin & Bowyer will most likely fall out, but I'd be happy if Gordon & Harvick fall out.

What are the airport rules?

Here is the deal. I have not been on a plane for 10 years and that was a domestic flight. I am planning a trip to Cario, Egypt by December. Yes I know what a perfect month to go the most busy month of flying. Okay my questions are: What is the best way of planning a trip like this? What are the rules of the Airport? Please add websites if you know any! What are the baggage weights? Where to find the best airfare tickets for a international flight? Please feel free to add advice of handleing a long flight with a almost 2 year old child. Please give the best awnsers that will make this trip as much stress-free as possible thank you

Did McFadden seal up the heisman award against LSU?

I'm pretty sure his performance in the game against LSU was worthy of consideration for the Heisman Award. Although he did fumble the ball a few times, he led Arkansas to victory over the #1 ranked team in the country! There are a lot of other worthy contenders for the Heisman like Tebow and Daniel, but I think McFadden showed that he deserves it this year in this game against LSU.

Am I a sane person in an insane world- Or a insane person in an sane world?

Insanity is refuge from reality. In response to your claim that the gov't owns your house, I totally agree. Don't pay your taxes and see who owns your house. Depressing isn't it.

Is the prophecy of Isaiah 7 verse 14 refer to Mary and Jesus ?

the sign was given to King Ahaz and known to Isaiah Definite article has been changed into indefinite Some bible read as follows the MAIDEN is with child ,and will soon give birth to a son , in Hebrew the verb is in present tense IS WITH CHILD not in future N E bible ,R S V and Jerusalem bible version ,King james changed it , name Immanuel ,no place in the bible Jesus is mentioned as Immanuel ,prove it if your bible is the true word of God ,NO INTERPOLATION ,do you have the answer , read the topic and answer ,polite please ,the aim of my question is to guide you to the truth ,i am not hurting you please understand

Do you think it is ok for people in entertainment to thrust their political views in our faces?

You know, back in the 1970's I read an interview with Linda Ronstadt where she said she did not feel it was right for an artist to push their political views on an audience while they were 'captivated by your music'. Apparently, she no longer believes that or is inconsistent with what she says now. Personally, I agree with that earlier statement of hers. I don't want to hear some body's overblown ego telling me what and how I should think. I've paid money to be entertained ONLY and unless the performer STATES AHEAD OF TIME that they're going to push politics/beliefs on you, I feel that I have been duped and cheated. As for Sinead O'Connor? She's just another in a long line of 'artists' who would never be noticed had they/she not done something offensive. She'd have faded from sight anyway. Personally, I loved the SNL skit with Phil Hartman as Frank Sinatra calling Sinead "ShineHead." LOL.

Saturday, November 12, 2011



Shingle Pain is bothering me?

I am a 17 year old male. I had shingles 2 years back. My skin had cleared up but the excruciating pain persists. I went to the doctor and he told it may never go away and there is no cure. He said he will give me a shot for that like a anti something shot i don't remember. I hope that helps. I cant believe that at a young age i have this. I cant believe i have this at all. I would do anything for this pain to go away. Even if it means surgery. But i don't want to feel this pain at all. What should i do?

What are your jungle camping/hiking supplies, gadgets and must haves?

My top items on the list for camping is a tomahawk, machete, survival knife, a dependable way to make fire in wet environment, and a first aid kit can come in handy. As far as gadgets I can't help much because we just take good old fashioned Maglite flashlights and compes

Cute clothes for cool weather?

I always wear a long warm coat then you can wear just what you want under it and when you take it off you still look great and if you look turned on well that always desirable.

How many are aware that the Christmas tree is originally pagan?

In the book of Jeremiah, God specifically tells his people to avoid all aspects of Yule, the decorated tree is mentioned in detail, as it is pagan and thus evil. The majority of modern Christians profess to follow everything in the Bible as what they are to follow as well. So based on that, why do Christians have a Christmas tree if they know if it is pagan? Or do they even realize that is the case? Why if it was not acceptable back then is it perfectly fine today? God himself also said that he does not change ever so that would mean that either he wasn't telling the truth when he ordered his people to avoid those, or Christians have misinterpreted the Bible.

Could The Bible Be A Lie From Satan?

I am absolutely sure that the Bible is the Word of God. However, if you choose not too, I can say nothing that would convince you otherwise. Just to humor you, what do you think that God is really wanting to tell you that Satan is lying to us about?

Identify an agricultural engineering intervention that supports the reduction of food imports?

It could be in agricultural industrial processing,land and water conservation, irrigation and drainage or farm mechanization

What kinds of landscapes does Quebec have?

Montreal is 50% of the population of quebec, 4 other cities (Quebec city, Gatineau, Sheerbrooke, Trois-Rivi�re) together represent around 25% of the population.

What are your thoughts on the three wars we are currently fighting?

Personally, I think that going to Iraq and Afghanistan was an unfortunate necessity. Need it have been so drawn out? No, we should have went in there and took care of things the first time we were over there years ago. Obama winning the Nobel Prize I think is a joke, the man has done nothing for this country except finally get rid of Bin Laden. With Libya, I think we should have stayed out of it until they started threatening us because frankly I am tired of the United Nations getting the USA into a position of looking like the "world police". United Nations should be disbanded it has outlived its usefulness. They always call on us to break up scuffles in other countries that have nothing to do with us which of course leads to other nations hating us.

What was the best year(s) for popular music?

I just want years people, so don't go off saying "the 70's" or "the British Invasion" or anything regarding an entire era. Me? I'd say 1980, 1991, and 1967. 1980 had so many #1 hits for rock music, including 'Another One Bites the Dust', 'Another Brick in the Wall', and 'It's Still Rock and Roll to me'. It was also the year that disco went out of style, when Rush released Permanent Waves, and when Iron Maiden began. In 1991, Metallica topped the charts and, with the help of GnR, put hard rock back on top (even though I thought the Black Album wasn't nearly as good as their 80's stuff, it was still pretty good). Nirvana, REM, RHCP, and Pearl Jam (before they started sucking) also had their breakthroughs that year. By 1967, the Rolling Stones and the Beatles were the biggest bands on Earth, the latter of which releasing their biggest album that year, Sgt. Pepper's... This was also the year that Jimi Hendrix and the Doors got big.

Hair loss on legs; zit-looking red dots on leg and ?

Sounds like folliculitis. A type of staph. I would make sure that you stay on your antibiotic and if it has not cleared up upon the completion of antibiotics I would go back in and be checked again. Shower with dial daily and change your sheets frequently. Keep your towels away from other peoples and absolutely don't share any personal products.

What was your best sports moment of 2007?

There are only 10 days 'till the end of 2007 so let's wrap it all up by sharing your guys thoughts on what your favorite/best sports moment was this year. Mine was Barry Bond's 755th HR breaking hank aaron's HR record and Colts coming back to beat the Pats in the AFC championship game (remember?) ... that was one hell of a game. I also want to mention the Charles Barkley- Bavetta race on nba all-star saturday ... great, funny times.

What is a good way to start yoga?

I want to start yoga to add to my diet and exercise regimen and to help with clearing my stressed out mind. There is a yoga studio where I live but my schedule as a graduate student does not permit me to attend any of their offerings. What are some ways I can learn on my own such as books, tapes, or websites? Thanks.

What happens in the end of the movie: Atonement?

Yep, Robbie dies from his infected wound at Dunkirk just before he is due to leave to return to England and Cecilia is drowned when a night bombing attack destroys the underground station she is sheltering in and floods it. Neither of them knew that the other had died. It's a really sad ending :*(

Im getting FED UP with my mother, really really frustrated! Help me please!?

Maybe the problem is your mom or ( ma)( since you be a scot). is just fed up with you hanging around not doing any thing constructive. go get job.

Opinions on using fake I.D?

i go up town to 16+ nights all the time and whenever i walk past clubs, i get offered in by the bouncers and stuff and everyone always says that me and my friends look 19+ so we are thinking of getting fake i.ds and going up town this summer.. opinions?

What does this astrology chart produce?

I've never seen a chart like this. What are the percentages for? And what is this power thing with your aspects? Where did this chart come from? Interesting, but a mystery.

Hey! s or Biuals out there! Please help!?

No, you should not date this person. They should be with someone who respects them and accepts them for who they are, they can not change their height. If you want a teller person go find one and let this person find the one that is for them. One question, what happens when they gain 10 lbs or their hair gets gray, or you are with someone and they don't want you because you gained 10 lbs.

Will Brian Johnson (Utah Utes) suddenly become the 1st QB taken in the draft (not a serious question)?

I don't think so. He's undersized and quite frankly, Utah's o-line just manhandled the incredibly overrated Terrence Cody and the rest of the Alabama d-line, making Brian Johnson awesome.

Plzzz someone help me im soo scared! i dont kow what to do!!!?

in about an hour im going to get into a fight with a girl named cie and her 3 friends! krishna, carmen and jayleen! in other words her like best friends! that girl cie is to scared to do anything by herself so she brought them! and its just me and samantha! im at school right now and when i get out, their going to look for me and their going to find me, because they know what cl i have right now! and i just dont want to lose this one! im really scared! we fought yesterday! and now she wants to go at it again! all i want is for this to stop! but with this girl words wont help and if i back down, their going to take me like im afraid, and then they might always take advantage of that!...but what scares me tons, is that i have cl with her everyday for 1 hr. and 30 mins. and her dear friends are their and im by myself! so all they do is talk mess!...im in high school and im a sopre! any tips can help!...she wants to fight me because her boyfriend is my ex boyfriend...DUMB!

Where is a link to the "is daddy waddy home from worky jerky" visa commercial?

I want to use this commercial for an aid to a presentation I have to give in child development. I believe it was a 2006 visa commercial and is about the typical mom not being able to speak in anything other than baby talk after being at home with her child all day. That gives you the quote "is daddy waddy home from worky jerky?" and "that was a fantastic use of iambic pentameter...wameter." PLEASE, if anyone knows where to find this. PLEASE HELP!!!

Should I break up with this guy?

I know this is long, but please bear with me. I'm almost 17 and am admittedly socially awkward... or rather just really shy (whichever way you want to put it). This guy (let's just call him John) is the first person to ever really flirt with me. He's also the first to ask me out. No, I'm not an ugly person, I just don't talk to alot of people, and tend to bring up conversations that some people find horrifying or odd. We traded phone numbers and had been talking for perhaps 3 or so days before I agreed to go out with him... I guess I just feel curious or compelled to do it. Not really sure if I like him THAT way. Anyway, for the next two weeks after that, we only met at school for perhaps 15-30 minutes a day. I can't tell my strict (crazy) mother about this yet, so we can only talk for limited amount of time on the phone. Case and point: I didn't know him that well. Until today. I sweet talked someone into bringing us to a restaurant and movies (since they were going there anyway). Despite warning him of our arival beforehand, he was playing with his friends when we showed up, then made us wait while he got ready. Took almost 30 minutes. John's grades are horrible, he doesn't know what to do with his life, and he's... not necessarily the biggest gentleman on the planet. The date was rather awkward for the most part, I actually talked more than him (THATS a feat). We paid for our own stuff (he's poor too, so I paid for his snack). During the movie, he held my hand, kept kissing my cheek, put his arm around my shoulder (kept 'accidently' touching my [appologized later on]), and he kept calling me beautiful; that if he ever hit me, he'd kill himself; that he was lucky to be dating an upper-clman... and that his friends were jealous. I didn't say anything, but tried playing along (again, I'm VERY shy). After the movie, he saw me talking to my sister (she's the one who brought us). John couldn't hear us, but my sister really dislikes him- says that I could do much better. I'm really not sure about the whole thing, after all I KNOW that it isn't going to last forever. Anyway, the ride back was silent. He didn't say a word when we dropped him off (even after I said I'd call him tomorrow). John seemed to be brooding on the way back to his home- he probably guessed what my sis and I were talking about. He left me a voicemail a little while ago saying it was alright if I broke up with him... sounded depressed. I've got a soft heart, and I feel sorry for him since he's probably got a ruff home-life... I kinda want to try again and see what happens. Still not sure if I really care for him that way, though. There's a catch next time though (if there's one): my sister refused to be the one to give us a ride. My mom will have to be the one, and I know she's going to hate him (my sister was the easy one to please, and he failed at that). What should I do?

I got punched in the chest?

wouldnt hurt to see a doctor if its a dull pain in ur chest then u might have just bruised the muscles around your lungs or even ur ribs. Ur ribs are quite soft for bones. But if it is a sharp pain i would suggest going to the doctor.

Recommend books to me based on this list?

Join this website called librarything.com you can add all these books to your listing, and they will auto recommend books for you.

What's a great Screamo song?

I like the song face down. You know by the red..... idk something, but I like that song. I like all music

2010-2011 NFL Playoffs Predictions...?

I got injured during this SB game as well. I got up to get some more beer and i slipped on the nacho cheese i dropped on the floor. Are you saying something like that is going to happent to me next year as well?

I need a duet to sing with a guy friend for a talent show. neither of us can think of a good song! help!?

yea... we're both in choir and are familiar with broadway shows, and have a wonderful choir teacher to help with any hard songs. i am a soprano, he is a tenor AND b... pretty much anything will do.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Would you trust this man? MEN please answer too!?

Give it some time and hopefully you will have your answer. Every person is different, you can't count on his age as being a good indicator of the type of person he is. For some 40 years olds, a mid-life crisis is just around the corner.

What do you think of these names for a girl? Which goes best with their brothers?

I would choose either Madeleine Elise or Katherine Elise ☼ Both of the names are beautiful and I feel they would flow well with your sons names ☼

Canine side effects to the sedative Acepromazine?

We have an older dog, Sydney, who has really bad anxiety when it comes to fireworks and gun shot noises. Our vet prescribed Acepromazine, a sedative to make him calm down. The last week he has been acting out and tearing up the house, he actually chewed through some drywall after ripping trim off the corners of the doorways. We've been giving him the medication, but it seems like its not working now. We also tested a muzzle on him to maybe see if we could just leave that on while at work and school, but he had an anxiety attack so bad that his nose started bleeding. What should we do?

Are these early signs of pregnancy? What should I do?

It is way too easy to make up pregnancy symptoms in your head...I bet that is what you are doing. I can't tell you how many times when I was younger I had myself convinced I was pregnant becuase I felt more tired or becuase i felt more hungry. I would press on my so much to see if they were sore that I probably made them sore by doing it! Just relax, you most likely are fine. If you period does not come in the next week to two weeks, go drive to grocery store that isn't the usual one you would go to and buy a test. You'll just have to get the courage to do it. And remember, that even in this cirstance, a baby is a blessing, if not for you then for another family. Good luck

What makes youngster to take a gun?how we prevent it?

What made me take my father's .38 Special from the top drawer of his dresser when I was eight, was mostly that he left a gun in his top dresser and all boys are fascinated and drawn to guns. Another problem was that he never mentioned the gun, never showed it to me, nor warned me not to touch it. I was just supposed to know that somehow, and whatever punishment I received I considered entirely unfair. So my answer to you is thus: Talk to your kids about guns, and lock up your guns tightly.

Buying my first car! Need help!?

03 Nissan 350z, 03 Infiniti G35, 04 Acura Tl, 03 Acura RSX Type-S, or an 01 Audi s4? I can get any of them for around the same price $16000-$19000. What would you pick?

Going to my first redskins game ever! what should i do?

im goin to the patriots redskins game on fri and this will be my first redskins game ever and im a huge fan! what all should i do since its my first time. is there any way to get autographs or take pictures with the players or anything? i plan on getting there extremely early so i can look around a little too

How did ww1 affect men and women that were left behind in the US?

What i mean by that is how were the men and women that stayed in the US while WWI was going on get affected ?? I'm not sure if I'm making sense, i hope i am i'll try wording it differently if the answers i get are irrelevant. Thank you!!

Bill sent to Collections WITHOUT a signed contract?

Background: over a year after a house cleaning service did an inadequate/incomplete job and I offered to pay their FIRST estimate that they gave (they later raised the price WITHOUT authorization), I receive a letter from a collection agency for the amount PLUS interest. I never signed ANY paper for the work, and when I told them I would pay them the first estimate they said dont bother, that they would just take me to court for the entire amount anyways. A year later, thinking they realized they were in the wrong, I get this letter. If I notify the collection agency and tell them there is no contract and the job was not performed as agreed and the price was NOT agreed upon, will I be off the hook? Can they legally do anything without the contract that doesnt exist?

Internet dating question?

When a guy writes the expectation is that he's emailing a lot of women. Once she starts dating him she expects that she will be one of the few that he narrowed her down too.

Should I Try To Go Too WWE Or TNA?

When I'm older I want to be a pro wrestler and I have always wanted to try to get into WWE.But recently I am thinking about TNA instead due to its lighter schedule.Also Kurt Angle has said Vince doesn't let wrestlers get into other projects but Dixie Carter does and he also says ''Dixie said to me if there is a day you don't want to come into work for any reason,that's fine and we'll still pay you''.So what promotion would you recommend to me?

Where should I travel for Christmas?

How about Hawaii, it's close because it's in the USA and you can definitely scuba dive there. Even though it's in USA, it's very 'different' and will be a great vaca for you. My suggestion is to go to Maui and stay in one of the less expensive lodgings in Lahina Town. There are huge resort hotels nearby but very pricey.

Do you think I'm fat?

A 13 year old female who is 112.0 pounds and 5 feet and 2 inches tall, has a body m index of 20.5, which is at the 71.1th percentile and is considered to be a healthy weight. Why not just take a little more exercise to tone up?

How can my Fimo Puppen keep its shape?

I'm trying to make a doll's head, but the clay keeps taking on the imprints of my fingers! Any suggestions on how to stop this?

Raheem Morris in his Nov. 30th press conference, said "Stats are for losers". What are your thoughts on thi?

This guy is making me cry because I'm laughing so hard! Are they gonna keep him like they did Gruden? Let him ruin the franchise and screw the fans? Now don't get me wrong. I love Gruden as an announcer for Monday night. He knows the talk, just not the walk. So I'm sure Raheem will do well at say, Burger King or McDonald's....But how long until the owners eat crow and realize you don't fire everyone with experience then bring in untried, untested newbies. Apparently they hired Raheem on his attitude alone. Sadly, his attitude without direction has driven our team into the ground. He is right about one thing however. Stats are for losers....

"Simspon's Movie" or "License To Wed"?

My friend's and I are going to see a moive friday and are wondering what movie to see. I have herd mix reviews on "Simpson Movie" and manily good reviews on "License To Wed." I Want to see "Simpson's Movie" but, I have herd from some of my other friends that it wasn't so great. Another thing to add is that one of my friend's doesn't really know the "Simpson's" that well but she knows who Homer and Bart and Marge are but, thats about it. My other friend and I do know the show but, still do not know what to do. Also to keep in mind are that we are 13-14 so yeah what, in your opinon, do you think we should see. The reason i did this is because i don't want to waste 8.75 on a movie ticket and 5 dollars on food for a **** *** movie

Do you think he likes me?

Seriously Your too young to be dating guys and need to enjoy just being your age without all the stress, when you grown up you can make all those mistake. Yes I am parent.

Need to download music to LittleDonkey and When Santa Got Stuck Up The Chimney.?

Tried lots of sites but all want me to order CD, havent got time. Its for nursery Christmas Play. Can anyone help.

I need to know what are the side effects for a male enhancement pill?

im wonderin wat r the side effects of extenze i looked cant find them look them up if possible dont joke!!!

Problematic in laws that cause me and hubby argue?

you concentrate only on your family, i mean your husband, yourself and your children. there are better things to think of in this world. don't think of your in-laws. enjoy your life.

Poets, in a reflective mood, what is a poem?

I am so sorry, I cannot comment very well right now.. my brain has gone to the other side to play with darkness for a bit. May I come back tomorrow when it feels more like home?

If political correctness is all about not offending a minority...?

then why is it PC to call fat people things like stout, heavy, curvy, healthy etc, and its perfectly OK to call thin people anorexic, twigs, boney etc?

What was behind the Texas War Indipendence?, Secrets?

My history teacher wants to know if there is any other cause of why the state of Texas declared war against Mexico. Is quite confusing for me because I myself can't understand the question. The only thing I know is that Texas declared war against Mexico because Santa Ana tried to gain absolute control over texans and also he tried to take away some of the rights they had.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Looks vs. Weight in lbs?

I am 18 years old, and I weight 120 lbs. I am 5'5. When I tell my friends my weight, they all say that seems dangerously low for an 18 year old, even for someone short like myself. But when I look at my body I can still see belly fat. Much more than my friends have, who are ironically heavier than me. I am confused, because I know I do not have as much muscle as they do, but I am not scrawny. Why do I weigh so little, but look a chubby still. Is it safe to try to lose weight? I have an admittedly small frame, but the number still seems so low. Yet I am unhappy with how I look.

What is the hydrofoil hulls?

main features of the hull design and what are some advantages as opposed to other hulls and what are some limitations

I ask this question every year on this special day?

I'm gonna follow you around all day hoping to pick up on some of your scraps of grhoppers while basking in the glow of your enthusiasm.

Does all Citroen DS's have that anti-roll suspension, servo brakes and steering and that special gearbox?

Before a few weeks I saw a DS in the countryside next to my village. I asked the farmer about it, but he only knew that it was 1974 DS and it has no doents. He could not tell me a lot about it, but he wanted to get it out of his farm, so the sells it very cheap. I am very interested in buying it, because I will rebuild it with my 14 years old son, he will learn a lot about cars and then we will have a very good car. I read that DS has got a special gearbox with special clutch. It also has an anti-roll suspension(it could not be rolled over in a corner) and moving lights,but I could not find if they were options or they were standard for every car. Could you help?

Is it wrong that I value the lives of other animals more than humans?

All life has equal value in an ecological sense though, even as a fellow atheist i must admit its quite perturbing that you value the life of a squirrel over that of a human. A human will be mourned and their death will cause much pain to others, such is not the case regarding squirrels.

How do I get my child support lowered if I dont get payed what I used to?

I have not been making good money. I was getting about 15 and hour but they were taking 550 dollars a month. I didnt have much money left. Do I have to go to the courthouse that issued the support papers, or do I have to get a lawyer.

Where can i find "ayy" by denaun porter and tyrese gibson from the movie waist deep?

everytime i search for it, it never comes back with any results. i have tried limewire, itunes, amazon; anyone find it?

Strawberry Preserves too runny?

You might not have quite gotten the temperature high enough when you did the final cooking. Strawberries have a natural pectin in them, which is a thickening agent. This gets released during the cooking process and it's what causes jams and preserves to thicken properly when cooled. You might have also used strawberries that had a high water content in them. Still, you might get away with reheating the jam and letting it cook longer, which should release more pectin and evaporate more of the moisture.

So I just read this q about EWCM..?

And someone said that it means ovulation and being really fertile..any truth to this? So I guess now would NOT be a good time to play the pull out game (lol) and would be a very good time to invest in some spermicidal lubricant since we're allergic to condoms..

Jamaal Charles (@ HOU) or Hines Ward (vs. CLE) for flex?

Charles should get most of the workload and has the skills to be a top RB in the NFL, but faces a surprisingly tough Texans run-defense, while Ward gets a huge boost with Big Ben back and gets to face the Browns weak defense at home who he had burned in both games last year for a combined 12 rec., 180 yards, and 1 TD. I'm leaning towards Charles anyway despite the unfavorable matchup, but I'm open to your opinions. Thanks!

Which countries in Africa do you think have the most attractive women?

Honestly, beauty is too subjective and I'm sure you are aware of that. Some people find big girls to be attractive while others find skinny girls to be attractive. Its a matter of preference, if you like dark-skinned, curvy & thick (not big) beautiful women then you might like girls from the Northwestern Region (Nigeria, Liberia, Ghana etc..). If you are more into slender light skinned beautiful women then its East Africa (Ethiopia, Etria, Somalia, etc..). And if you are more into more a mixture of the two then it would be Southern Africa (Kenya, Zambia, S. Africa, etc...) One thing I know you have ugly women everywhere you go as much as you have pretty women. I personally just prefer a girl that looks good to me and can speak English.

If I'm crossing the US/Canadian border by car, do I need a Pport, or is that only required for air travel?

I am planning a trip to upstate New York in August, and I'm planning on visiting Canada while I'm in the area. I am a US citizen (with a valid California ID and US Birth Certificate), will I need a pport to drive or walk across the Canadian border?

Physical or chemical change?

All these processes are chemical changes as during the course of the rxn a new compound with different chemical properties are formed.

I'm looking for a piano accompanist for Mozart flute concerti and Bach flute sonati. What level should I ask?

for in my ad? What are the chances of finding a volunteer? Most likely, they will want to be paid for their time.

How do you say the day is fun in Spanish?

Currently, I have la dia esta mucha divertida. I can't figure out out if I should use the verb ser or estar in the sentence

What do you think of Rodeo of Rock of love being eliminated?

I do feel sorry for that girl, becoz I saw her as the most responsible in the house. The fact that she always talk about herself messed things up for her with Bret. If maybe she had a better startegy to show consideration for others. What a pity Rodeo!!

Is Santa Claus really real?

He was a real person who evolved into what he is today. And yes he is magic and can therefore do anything he wants whenever and however he wants on at least one day every year.

If im a vegetarian can i eat chicken broth because its a by-product.?

because im not a vegan i eat eggs, milk and all that kind of stuff ???? so can i eat chicken broth ?

Getting into nyc by train?

heading into NYC from upstate NY tomorrow and would like to park outside and take a train in.Do you think that this is a good idea? Where is a good place to pick up the train. We would like to get there by 10:00 am to go to the tkts booth.

Am I the only one who thinks Fergie(from the Black Eyed Sellouts) is an evil, talentless, bimbo?

Just look at her eyebrows. And her music sucks. She does have a smokin body, but this does not make up for being evil and talentless. Am I crazy or just "tellin' it like it is"?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Women's health?

i hv irregular menses n it wont come unless i tak med... i'm only 28 n hv hormones inbalance... i hv both fallopian tubes blocked.. i cant conceive anymore... i feel like so useless... wad can i do???/ my doc cant help me.... who can help me!!!!

Why does blowing air like when whistling produce cool air while exhaling with an open mouth produces warm air?

beaucse when you blow out quickly all of the heat gets lose due to the speed of the wind while if you blow out gently the air still holds onto its heat

I need some help with a very abnormal period, HELP!?

I agree to get to a Dr. and be checked out. I know a couple of people that had problems once they got off of Depo and not only that but with family history you don't want to mess around. I hope it all turns out well for you.

Why wont my child eat fruit?

It's normal at this age. He's learned to control what he eats and with whom. Just keep offering them. Sometimes if kids refuse the fresh fruits, canned will work. You can even microwave it for a few seconds so it's warm. Warm canned fruit tastes better, to me, than the cold canned fruit does.

Whats a suitable laptop to purchase for computer science?

Any laptop will do to be honest; that one you have there is more then good enough. You won't be doing anything really resource intensive; compiling some small programs but that's it. Just make sure the keyboard and screen are comfortable; you'll be using it a lot.

What fanfiction is it?

I'm not to sure what the story is called, but you could look through your history, as it should be there.

Did you know the Federal Income Tax is completely ILLEGAL and their is NO law stating you have to pay it?

I totally agree with you.It is illegal.the government has convinced people otherwise though.Here's the thing.If 10,000 people would man up and stop paying, they'd be forced to at least revise the codes because they wouldn't prosecute that number of people.When one or two people stop paying, the govt. makes examples out of them.I'd stop paying if I could get enough people to stand with me.

Best objection to The Gestapo was a cruel police force that was the cause behind the atrocities towards Jews?

For a research paper on the Gestapo my thesis statement is "The Gestapo was a cruel police force that was the cause behind the atrocities towards the Jews." One part of our paper has to be the best objection, or the opposite view point of our thesis. I can't think of an objection to my thesis.

So what do the pillars mean?

so i know that they built Solomon's temple and that it may also represent the strength of the fraternity...is there another meaning?

Motif of Writing (powerful description)?

This is really good. If you wanted to you could keep it as a fanfiction, but I really liked the description adn would probably read it if it was the blurb on the back of the book. I think you should make it a story.

Do Americans really believe that Canada would allow the US to become our 11th province or 4th territory?

a i thought the us was taking over canada that was what everyone told me when i moved there from the us i don't speak much french but am trying however my lady is french canadian so we have both covered and she is now bilingual and you are right it wouldn't be a good deal both obama and bush messed it up i have been here about 11 years now and love the country and people i find very little discrimination except in montreal thanks to you all

Why haven't the liberals built a monument of JIMMY CARTER!??

you post the same stupid question over and over, just re-worded a bit. please just give it up already. it's going nowhere.

Anyone haveing trouble with the new Oxycontin formula? Real Pain Patients Only!!!!?

I am a chronic pain patient and have been taking Oxycontin for around 4 years now, it has worked better with less side effects than anything else around. However, this new version that has just been released by perdue is making me miserable. I stopped taking it and have only been taking my breakthrough meds since I got it. It makes me burn and itch all over my body, and doesnt seem to work as well for pain as the old stuff. Just wondering if anyone else is having similar problems?

How Much Money Will You Give Me For My 1995 Holden Commodore VR II Berlina (Green, Registered with RWC)?

how much will you give ME for that, its just a v6 holden commodore with a bizzillon kays on the clock. its not even an ss v8 or an hsv or somthing even worth the money

Has anyone had the shingles shot? Is there any bad side effects?

Sometimes if you are one of them unfortunate people. You may contract what has come to be known as Hulkagonis where if you are in a situation where you express much anger you're muscles contract and you skin slowly becomes greenish.

Surfing waves in Hampton East coast?

I want to go surfing this saturday w/ my friends but they all want to go see a movie. I know a storm is coming up thi weekend and good waves saturday. Are there going to be any good waves on sunday or should i definately go on Saturday?

Am I being unreasonable?

ok well if you hadnt been followed & if you hadnt called him it would be understandable why he wouldnt call you during his fun boy time...but thats a beyond rude to ignore you after something like that...what if you would have been d and like killed...ugh...you need to tell him how you feel..he probably didnt even realize he ignored you...boys can be sooo dumb... but you need to let him know you were totally ignored and that it worries you because what if something happend..you need to know he cares...even if he forgets to show it from time to time...

When does Devon's album gonna release in the Philippines?

Not sure which Devon you are looking for, is it Devon Sproule, Leah DeVon, or Devon Heath. I have not heard of any band called Devon.

If Charles Darwin were to sit down to debate Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, which one of the following arguments would

I can't believe this is really homework, but YOU certainly need help since you don't know the difference between and ORGANISM... your teacher did not write this.

Quick! Starter Help!?

Id go with Lendale white as your rb He will get the ball a lot because the Titans wont be able to p against the amazing corners the bears have. Also they will shut down Chris johnson unless he goes outside which he doesn't like to do. Lendale on the other hand loves the outside so should get the ball a lot. Id go with colston Driver And Gage. They are all playing teams that I wouldnt call bad but they're not good. Look for close games in those 3 so they will have to p it.

Why are most major banks suspending federal consolidation loan applications?

I am newly out of school and was looking to consolidate my outstanding federal student loans (just unsubsidized and subsidized Stafford Loans), but none of the major banks will accept new loan applications. That is including Sallie Mae, Chase, and Wells Fargo. What other options do I have? I prefer major banks, especially the way are economy is right now. How long would these programs be suspended?

What is the Ezekiel watchman supposed to teach?

Ezekiel 3:17-21 ESV "Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. (18) If I say to the wicked, 'You shall surely die,' and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. (19) But if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, or from his wicked way, he shall die for his iniquity, but you will have delivered your soul. (20) Again, if a righteous person turns from his righteousness and commits injustice, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die. Because you have not warned him, he shall die for his sin, and his righteous deeds that he has done shall not be remembered, but his blood I will require at your hand. (21) But if you warn the righteous person not to sin, and he does not sin, he shall surely live, because he took warning, and you will have delivered your soul."

How old is anheuser-busch(budweiser beer)?

In 1852 it was called Bavarian Brewery. Then in 1860 Eberhand Anheuser bought the Brewery and renamed it E. Anheuser & Co. Therefore, from 1852 it is 154 years and from 1860 it is 146 years

How does one forgive oneself ?

I did something a few years ago , I think I am having a hard time forgiving myself for it . I cant take it back . If I could I really would . I know Jesus will Forgive me , but I have to forgive myself ? I dont really know If I can humanly do that without his help

Where would I find ice hockey tournaments in Minneapolis or St. Paul Mn?

My hockey team is interested in going to Minneapolis or St. Paul for an ice hockey tournament. I'm helping the coaches set it up however I cant seem to find a link to their minor/youth hockey leagues. Does anyone know where I could find their sites and tournaments? Thanks!

Would anyone like to have their property ploughed?

You will have much better success if you post this on www.craigslist.org under the "Services" section. Good luck!

Ex girlfriend problems help anyone please?

ok me and my ex have been together for three years we broke up in september so its been like three months. she started dating someone else in october which doenst bother me im a very confident guy so it was like what ever to me.since we broke up though she has been having these mood swings with me one second shes like she wants me in her life and she wants to be with me again then the next day she will be like i want to be with him. our relationship wasnt too good at the end thats why we broke up. But she is gong back and forth with me and we have been having still even though she is in this relationship with this other guy.she tells me she really likes him and possibly loves him and that she doesnt want to be with me then two days later shes at my house saying she loves me and wants me and its just a ridiculous cylce of this. But last week she was like she doesnt feel the same anymore that something feels different between us and she thinks she wants to be with him then we had right after like wtf. then the next day i said goodmorning babe and she asked me to not call her that and treat her like she has a boyfriend. i said ok. That night we were on skype and basically we are back to square 1 we are going bowling tonight and probably will have some time soon i dnt understand her. i told her numerous times i will not be her friend so dnt expect me to act like one she says she understands and yet she still wants to hang with me knowing shes probably gonna end up cheating on this new guy with me. i love her i do i cant lie i want her but im so confused. she tells me one second she wants him and what not then shes at my house cheating on him what should i do, Any advice would help but can you say more than just leave her like i could think of tht by myself anyways thnx

Pokemon grey version?

I'd think they would make a Pokemon Grey version, but there really is no way to tell as of now. I've heard that GameFreak (guys that make Pokemon games) would make a Pokemon Grey that would go more in-depth on N's past and his real name and so forth, and that Kyurem would logically be the box art and mascot legendary for Pokemon Grey. However with the Nintendo 3DS out now, by the time a Pokemon Grey would be released (estimates seem to be late 2012 for Japan and 2013 for the US) the Nintendo DS would be considered pretty much obsolete. Black and White are obviously on the Nintendo DS, but by late 2012 the Nintendo DS likely won't be gaining any new games because the Nintendo 3DS will of taken over for handhelds. With that said, for GameFreak to make a Pokemon Grey they would either have to release it for the Nintendo DS like Black and White were, or release it for the Nintendo 3DS. In both cases there is a problem because Nintendo may not want anymore Nintendo DS game additions that relatively far into the future when they hope to have the Nintendo 3DS take over. But for GameFreak to make Pokemon Grey for the Nintendo 3DS wouldn't make sense either because it would not match the graphical aspects as Black and White. GameFreak would have to redo all of graphics for all the characters and objects from Black and White, which would be financially a waste of time. GameFreak would be better suited making another Pokemon series (or the rumored remakes of Ruby/Sapphire) for the Nintendo 3DS if they really want to put that much time and effort into another Pokemon game. So there is rumors/evidence for both sides of the Pokemon Grey debate, but in my opinion unless it were to be released within a time frame sooner than the one estimated then there will not be a Pokemon Grey. It just so happened to come up at a bad time with the transition of Nintendo handhelds.

Building a chevy v8 motor?

i was at my husbands side during many motor installations and rebuilding also. if you have bottom end exposed you can price around for pistons ,but if they look good with naked eye then your fine. BUT always replace rockers, arms, oil pump, heads are important to get done though. this is a great website,hiperformer.com it tells you everything . good luck !!and be careful.

Is it possible if I still like him?

Did you ever fall out of love? Just because you had an argument doesn't mean you stopped loving him, even if you stopped talking. I don't think you've fallen back in love. I don't think you ever fell out of love.

Will section 8 work on my computer please answer!!!?

your processor is fine,but i think your graphic card is a little too outdated.go to this website to check the details a href="http://cyri.systemrequirementslab.com/CYRI/" rel="nofollow"http://cyri.systemrequirementslab.com/CY…/a

Where can i find a perfect digital camera?

i need a digital camera with optical zoom, red eye reduction, face detection,stabilizing,wide angle lens, automatic and manual focuses, runs on double a batteries, has a weight less than 6 oz,comes in a bright color, and is no more than $100.00! HELP!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How do i get over him?

i know how that feels. I dated a guy and we broke up and he was a jerk but i kept looking past it because i couldnt hate him and he was special to me. I havent dated anyone since but im over him. It just takes time. being busy will help you get ur mind off him. eventually you will move on :)

360 arcade?

ok so i am getting the xbox 360 arcade tomorrow from argos (uk shop) and i was wondering if argos does the new xbox's that prevents the red ring of death....soooo does argos sell the xbox's with the new software that makes the xbox less likely to get the red ring of death or do they still sell the old xbox's that has old software that may give me the red ring of death?

How do I get from Midway Airport in Chicago to the corner of E Delaware Ave and N Van Der Rohe Way?

... using the Chicago Transit System? Is it the Brown Line to an Elevated Red Line? and what stop do I get off at?

Sick Goldfish?

No, your tank will be fine with proper matinence for now. Did you use medication for swim bladder? Also, it might die anyway; one of my goldfish had swim bladder and still died with medication. With proper care, he will be fine and I sure hope he lives!

Why do you liberals hate conservative women so much?

I agree but it is the Liberal way...why? Because the Liberals cannot lose the white women vote...They and Left driven Media has to bash all white women who run for office....because the Democrats cannot lose this voting block, if they do, they are done...The entire woman lib movement is based on this concept....that women vote for the Liberal Agenda...My reason for saying this...why haven't any woman's groups come after and defended any conservative women politicians? hmmmm

Is this Spalding 7 iron valuable?

I got a Spalding 7 iron in a set of mix matched golf clubs a friend bought for me at an estate sale. On the bottom it says Spalding 7. Then there is a grove on the side (picture the indention of sticking your finger flat on play dough) with Johnny Palmer written in red cursive. Then in the second grove it says Tournament in black cursive. To the left of that word picture a clock. at 9 and 3 there is a star. A large S is in the center. The top arch says Reg. NO. and the under arch says 3/23. Ill admit Im not too intelligent, but to me 3/23 means I have one of the 23 that were ever made. Im just starting to learn how to play golf and I need to know if it has any value and if I should be using it or not

What are your thoughts on that article 'Police make bizarre legal battle to keep Jack the Ripper files secret?

i still think its being kept quiet because it was someone very, very important, like from the royal family!

2nd Ammendment right against tyrants in our government?

Lets say for example, a prosecutor throws the book at my 80 year old mother for J walking and prosecutes to the full extent of the law causing her to be jailed and die in jail in a week. Can this prosecutor be viewed as a tyrant under President Jefferson, Washington & first Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton's statements. Basically when they said the 2nd Ammendment is also to protect us from a tyrannical government, let the government know that the people will take arms against tyrant's when all other recourse fails. Question: Is this prosecutor a tyrant?

Put the best players on form since January in an all star team?

Er... not Bale... he's been inconsistent. He hasn't had performances in the PL like he did those two nights against Inter... Spurs' best/most consistent player has been Modric IMO... he should've been nominated for Player of the Year for Spurs instead of Bale

Hair curlers in the Uk?

Right I'm wanting some hair curlers form the Uk and I want some that are really good, that I can easily purchase from here I've looked in argos and theres a few I want to know if you know any that are good, I have GHDS so i dont want to buy any expencive cause theres no point, i dont curl with my hair straighterners by the way because I don't like that kinda curl.

How should a make a smaller model?

so i made a 5 ft 7in sculpture of a giraffe that's abstract looking, which i welded out of mild steel in my welding cl. it is a very popular piece of mine but i do not want to sell it, however there has been a big interest in buying a smaller version of it. the only thing is, i don't know out of what material i should use, something that i can easily make several copies out of, i no longer have access to the welding equipment because it was for a cl. i thought of perhaps making a mold and doing an iron pour, but i don't really have the equipment for that either.. unfortunately i'm very limited.. the piece itself is geometric is shape in that it was made of plates of metal, not any sphere organic shapes, it is very whimsical in design, representing the playful attitude of a newborn giraffe, that is awkwardly standing. the neck is as if it was an arm with a bend like an elbow. the body itself is rather small, most of the m is the long slender legs, i would upload a picture of it here. but i don't know how to do that...

Would I be able to get a credit increase if I recently lost my job?

I have recently lost my job and have been unable to find another, unfortunately, right before I lost my job I paid my car insurance on my credit card and have about $300 left available on it. The bills are piling up and instead of going to collections I would rather consolidate my debt on one credit card. I am getting unemployment and have only about $700 debt on that card and only one other with about $200. I wanted to raise the limit from $1000 to $2000. Do you think they would let me even though I am unemployed for the moment? (P.S. I have a great work history and great credit history and am hoping to get another job within two months at the most) Thanks!

When Can I Stop?

I have been on birth control (Yasmin) for 6 months and have been terribly depressed, moody, tired (cant sleep), gained 20 pounds, and have been having leg cramping. I have 9 more pills left to take before my placebo week starts. I am really tired of feeling this way and want to stop birth control all together! But do I really have to wait until the placebo week? (I can't go to a doctor right now, I am inbetween doctors so I am asking you all for personal advice/experiences) Thank you!

Talking to her about how I feel and if she like me the same?

So if you care. I have been hanging out with this girl and I'm pretty sure I like her. (or starting to) We talk about it a few weekend ago and she said I'm crush on you and like hanging out with you and stuff but I don't know if I want a relationship right now. But we have been mess around kissing and making out stuff like that. So I think this weekend I want to talk to her about it. But I'm kinda on the fences about it. Should I give it more time or just ask her and find out whats up so we are both on the same page. We never really text but she said he hates texting and talk over the Internet. When we hang out it great she talkative and flirty and good conversion. She really seems to be into to me and seem to like me. I have know her and been hanging out with her for a little over a month now. She was the one that ask me to hang and stuff and want to mess around. I talk to a few of my Buddy's and they said "it just seem like she want to be FWB" but I don't really want to be just her fwb cause I'm not that kinda guy. I care about her and I have never really had a real relationship and I want that and not a FWB. I'm gonna she her Friday night but we are getting high and I don't want to talk to her about that when we are baked. Plus she bring a friend to smoke with. So I want to see her again this weekend just me and her hanging out like usually and talk to her about this. I pretty sure I'm gonna do it. Wish me the best. Any help Thanks and tell me what you think.

Why Is This Govt Reforming The Emergency Systems 911?

The government is trying to fix the public schools... which in the last 40 years have produced some of the greatest geniuses ever known... they're trying to reform 911, which works... they tried to reform social security and welfare, and both are now failing... They're like Philadelphia Eagles fans... micromanaging everything from success to failure.

Why is it that if "smart" people are for Obama..?

Many people make the same argument about the Republicans. The fact is that if you focus on the crazies, that's all you'll see. There are people out here, on ALL sides of the issues, that welcome honest debate on the issues. No name-calling, no jingoism, just an adult issue based discussion.



Did she ever like me?

Hey recently i got involved with this girl who was involved with some drugs but was one of my best friends. Throughout the relationship she tells me she wants 2 go out with me. We go out and after a week we break up since she said she was attracted 2 someone else. Although i was upset i continued hanging out with her and we eventually have one day when she invited me over 2 her place 2 drink. We were really close although i didnt completely trust her. Long story short she goes to a rehab after an "accident" and i would visit her and she would tell me she loved me and such and wanted our "friends with benefits" relationship to continue since she didnt want to officially be in a relationship. After a month more of being by her side she gets out and we have an argument since she didnt want to be intimately involved with me which broke my heart cuz i had strong feelings for this woman. I honestly tried to make an effort to be "just friends" but my genetics just wouldnt let me sit back while i imagine her being with someone else. 1 night she said something that upset me so i said something back and she tells me she never liked me and just pretended to. This bothers me even more since it feels like all we had was a lie. Was she just retaliating? Can anyone help cuz this really upsets me :(

RYT Hospital? Is this a real hospital or BS? www.rythospital.com?

RYT Hospital-Dwayne Medical Center is synonymous with the world's most innovative and extraordinary healthcare. Through its affiliation with Dwayne University Medical College, RYT Hospital is responsible for the cutting-edge research that leads to the clinical treatments of the future. At RYT, medical possibilities become medical breakthroughs.

Would someone PLEASE overthrow the burger king "KING" already?

i mean what good has this monarch done for "his" people. i say we overthrow him. maybe put in a democracy or something of the sort.

Why do celebrities get in trouble?

1,2&3) They don't get in trouble, everyone does the same thing they do, but just because they are celebrities people judge them

Who was the better Captain of the Enterprise? Kirk or Picard?

State why you think which is is better as well. Looking for good answer, not things like, "because he rules" or "because the other one sucks" Thanks, and have fun!

Cisco PIX515e bin file corrupt - how do I upload and overwrite? Problems with normal break sequence for PIX.?

I haven't worked with a PIX in a long time. I would recommend searching on Cisco's knowledge base site, or google.

Jackson, already getting a title shot?

After he KO's Gl Jaw Jardine, there putting him up for a title shot? What about Machidas KO over Thiago Silva? Why don't they give Machida a chance first?

Is this what our world is REALLY coming to?

Some of those things make me laugh so hard. Like on a jar of Smucker's jelly, it said "for best results, remove cap"

How stringently are the marijuana laws prosecuted in Austin, Texas?

I am the caregiver and roommate for a friend with mental illness. I don't personally use it, but my friend smokes about 1 ounce every two weeks to stabilize his mood, and it seems to be helping him more than the psych meds. We once lived in CA where he was eligible for medical marijuana for his condition. Austin seems like it would be a much more tranquil, progressive place for us to live than our current home in Miami Beach. However, I've read that in Texas, people are routinely jailed for possession of even small amounts of marijuana. I know Travis County is more liberal than the other areas of Texas, but can someone tell me what types of penalties and fines are generally essed in that area for possession of less than one ounce? My friend has prior convictions for possession in PA, FL, LA and VA, if that's a consideration. Thanks for your feedback!

How can i loose weight after having my gall bladder removed?

fish oil pills they are good for clearing up your skin. if your thinking of taking that it would be a good idea i wasn't taking it for weight reasons but I heard it works for that too. try it out you have nothing to loose.

Monday, November 7, 2011

How can I remove my account from Yatedo?Plsssss help!!!?

I see my data on Yatedo ( I didn't put it up, they took old data from internet and make it publicly available. there is no way to delete it unless i register. Do you know how long before it become obsolete and removed from their site? or just in case you know how i can delete?

All the UFO sightings over the years, are they abducting us for their food?

There's a lot of people who have come up missing that no one reports on over the years. Could all the UFO be using us for food. Or have the been poisoned by our bodies, those UFOs that tok people? Could be the reason there hasn't been a full-scale invasion. The new sightings haven't yet realized what the others discovered.

Hey friends please tell me how i can i become a good boy in a cl?

Hey i am not misbehaving now then also teacher tell me you are so talkitive please help me????????????????

Guys honestly how much does a girls weight turn you off..?

Not that much at all. I mean yeah if she's HUGE it's not attractive, but 50lbs isn't bad at all. Really skinny girls are worse though. Also it's soooooo annoying when girls are always talking about being skinny, like saying they won't eat this or that. Just be confident.

I'm wanting to know if yahoo is aware of this...I got it my e-mail...?

I get those too. I think it is a scam. Might even be a computer virus. Don't open or respond to those again.

A plot? Hmmm... Needs work so tell me what you think!?

hmmmmm... this is like Superman/batman/twilight. i dont think you've even ever read any of the comics, and i think you've read twilight books and you have just seen the superhero movies, also i dont think youre going to be able to pull of describing the action scences. dont use stephinie mayer cause her grammer skills are crap and its too much for a story line i mean high school, city, aa pack??, girls, parties hidden identiy i just dont think your a good enough writer start w/ something less complex and read some comics to even understand the terminology

Back up to the retail price?

Me and my dad where going to buy a toyota scion tc (07). It was listed in our local newspaper for 13,888. They said I could get 4,000 off for the trade in of my 1996 toyota camry. They did some paper work and we left. After getting home and actually looking over it, it says the 4,000 would be off the retail price of the car. Which was 15,000. WHY? If it's listed in the paper for 13,888 why are they going back up to retail price then??? It didn't say anywhere in the add about it could be a different price, so I wonder why they went back up? We didn't buy anything yet, we had just done a few figuires and when we got home thats when we noticed it.

Can you think of some actresses that have worn latex catsuits and the movie they appeared in?

Of course, ommiting clear examples such as Kate Beckinsale in "Underworld." I find catsuits to be extremely attractive.

Should I respond to his one-sentence email breakup or move on?

Don't ignore him. Communication is good. You may not get the answer you may be looking for you - but it is very good that you confronted his inconsistent behavior and stated how you felt. That is a good friend

Pittsburgh Penguins hell yeah!!!!!!!!!!!?

The Pittsburgh Penguins are running like the train right now, 6 in a row, how many do you think they can pile up? The sleeping giant is awake and should be considered as dangerous as last year, only the Boston Bruins is better in the east if you ask me! The only thing that can stop Pittsburgh from great results this year is injuries! Our first line Kunitz,Crosby and Guerin will wreak havoc on every team they face if they are together! What do you think will be the Pittsburgh Penguins results this year? I think they will go to the stanley cup finals again!

What tax forms do i need for PA?

i live in PA, always have, i dont have any deductions, exemptions or anything of the sort. im checking out the IRS.gov website and there are a million forms! what is the basic form called that i need for my state taxes? i've got my local and fed. done, but i keep putting this one off. i know...i slacked off :(

800m for Freshman?

This year I completed my 8th grade year and went undefeated in all of my 800m open events. I won the county championships and set a record time for my school of 2:16.39 . This year I will be a freshman in high school and hope to drop that time as much under 2:09 as possible. I didn't really train the whole summer and I know it is bad in a way. Track starts up in March and i believe but cross country starts in september. I really do not like running that long of distances so i do not know if i will run XC. should i start training for track now to get myself to drop my 800m time as much as possible? what kind of training would you reccommend that you or someone you know has tried and has worked very well for them? thanks in advance for all your help and I really appreciate it.

What was James Knox Polk remembered for as President?

The annexation of Texas in 1845, the war with Mexico and the acquisition of California and New Mexico in the subsequent peace treaty.. The Oregon boundary was settled by a negotiated compromise with Britain. Polk condemned anti-slavery agitation .

Who won phenonenom on channel 2? During september W ith hosts Uri Geller and Criss Angel?

Mike Super won because he performed a trick where a lady is supose to grab a dollar from all the dollars that were flying in the tank thing that she was in. then he had a prediction and it turned out to be the serial number on the dollar. before that he had a deck of cards and that also had the serial numbers. then he had a newspaper and circled a prediction and he told the lady to think of something sweet to buy and she said a cookie and the prediction was right. if that didnt help go to youtube.com and type in phenomenon finale.

If you were being tried for an offence in Court, would you want a Cat sitting on the Jury?

Whoa, that's one smart ! Good thinking, not posting this in the Cat section, it would be a VN for sure, since Cat people have no sense of humor...however, while we're at it, I think I'm going to register my dog, I think she's smarter than most people and would definately make an informed decision when voting.

Where can i find a cheap charger for my camera?

Hey i just recently bought a Casio Exilim online and it came without a charger :( does anybody know where i can get one really cheap online??

Your Top Instrumentals...EVER.?

damn... @GP took my answer lol. Dead Presidents and Shook Ones Part II beat all your favorite instrumentals,legendary.

Cant link up with www.pogo.com anymore whats up with this?

i always played on pogo.com cant get into the website dell cant help or google either where is the web site now i am paying 5.99 a month for this service and now i cant get it whats up with this

Who sings a country song that goes lets go huntin or fishin?

I got a ringtone that goes 'lets go huntin or fishin or drinkin or something anything to free up my mind dont really care about all lifes lessons i just need to get away for awhile let it go" I would like to know the name of the song and who sings it

Anyone can help me rewrite this part, make it easy to understand ?

I'd make it "the Japanese-American security alliance" if that's a description. If it's a title, it may be "the Japan-America Security Alliance," so I'd check that. I think it is quite clear as written.

Why glorify war, bombs, killings and destruction?

Why? Just for some Holiday? Just for some excuse to get off from work? War is ugly. War is terrible. There is nothing glorifying about it. Just another one of those phony holidays. Like MLK day and King was definitely not a saint and he was murdered before he had a chance to get old.

My wrestling predictions for this week? WQ?

helms is not going to return back to the ring all he wants to do is those silly pop-ups and good card their

Guaifenesin for allergy/asthma related chest congestion?

I've had asthma and allergies since I was about 14. Every year I get the same thing: Stuffy nose, drainage, chest congestion, coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing. The works. No real headaches, unless its really bad. I've been taking my allergy medication, but the chest congestion is persistent. However, last night I took some Guaifenesin and it seemed to help. I got to sleep at least. I've heard that people with Asthma shouldn't take Guaifenesin! Is this true? If so, is there an alternative? I don't have a job anymore, meaning I don't have money to go to a doctor!

How do textile mills make the white clothes so white?

There must be some technology to do this. And if so, why can't the same technology be made available at the household level so that white clothes always stay wonderfully white!!

Anybody have any really decent websites to share?

Including games or flash or video sites, preferrably humorous? Please do not include the prototypical ones : www.yahoo.com, www.pogo.com, www.ifilm.com, www.ebaumsworld.com, any leading search engines gaming section, www.real.com. Best site IMHO gets the 10 points ;)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What is the best method for body detoxification?

I just started using the foot detox patches--they are amazing. They pull you toxins thru the bottom of your feet. Takara make the one "as seen on TV"

Does reading in your target language actually help?

Really, immersion is the only way to do it. So reading, and watching programming in your target language do pretty well. At least, for me.

I am an amateur photographer looking for a place to upload and print pictures. please help!?

yea my mom has a really nice camera and she uses shutterfly or something like that, seems to work well for her.

Birthday gift idea for my Butch friend?

If your friend is butchy but sentimental, you can get her a personalized character ornament that speaks to who she is (ie: her career, her hobbies, her favorite vacation etc) and looks like her. You can even put a butchy sentiment on the ornament that will mean something to her. Its the sort of gift that will last a lifetime. Check these ones out: http://www.ornamentsandmore.com/

What is your favorite perfume?

i use fantasy by britney spears! ik it sounds kinda weird but trust me it spells really good! its sweet and in some way y! u should definitely try it out! just go to the place where they sell perfume and just try the testers im sure you will find some thing you will like! :)

Think I could be a Tattoo apprentice?

Keep drawing, it would probably be easier if you already knew someone in the business but it don't hurt to ask, what's two more years.

Does anyone know of the book The Secret?

My friend bought it and she hated it. She thought it was ridiculous. One part even said basically that if you hang out with people who are ugly, you are going to be ugly, if you hang out with people who are fat, then you are going to be fat, so you should stop hanging out with people like that. She found it to be offensive in that respect, and a lot of the advice offered in it is advice you can get from any other self-help book, like be positive if you want positive things to happen. I think you should check it out from the library to see if you like it before investing money into it.

I already asked this question, and got a couple of answers, but more info was needed. About the weird dream?

the bit with the eyes could mean your outlook on life is very bleak. if no one noticed then they think you're fine when you're not. The bit with the plants i guess thats mean natural. So your vision of most things natural in life is changed and you dont see it for the beauty it is but in monotone, you see life in monotone. Dust is tiny little things, maybe the little things someone does to you or the little things in life that make you see things so bleakly.

What type of pedal do i use for the "one" (Metallica) sound on my fender strat ?

Well, I'm pretty sure Metallica didn't use a Strat on that song. To get the exact sound you need the same guitar, same amp and same effects pedal. If you're really looking for that sound you should do some more research.

Retaining an Injury Lawyer?

Hello. I have been in a car accident on sept.9/2009. The other driver was at fault 100% and the car was a write off worth of $9000. After a month went by i started feeling pain in my upper back, left shoulder, neck and pain in the head. I have contacted my insurance and told them about it and they approved it for me to go get treatment and they're paying for everything. Now it has been 11 weeks since the accident and i am thinking of retaining a personal injury lawyer to sue the other driver that hit me. I have done all the tests they asked me to do such as MRI(head) and the XRAY for the back/shoulder and neck. They have found injuries in myback the shoulder and neck but nothing in the head. Anyway long story short, I have talked to a few lawyers and they told me i should wait to find out if the injuries are permannt or temporary. What i mean when they say "wait" is theyre saying wait till about 6-8 months then we can open a lawsuit. How do we find out if the injuries are permanent and when should i try to retain a lawyer even though my insurance company has approved for the treatment and they are cooperating with everything the chiroprater is asking them for treatment. My opinion is I wanna get alawyer to protect me and represent me better to the insurance incase my injuries are permanent that way the procedure of suing theother driver is better safer and stronger.I am confused and lost in this situation and dont want to just settle for anyting the insurance offers me. (Sorry my wording or explaining, dont speak english very well :). ) Please if there anyone out there wih any sort of advice and information your thoughts and advices willl be very much appreciated. Thank you.

Am i a nerd?

They are just mean. They probably also wish they had half the brains as you. Stick with exactly what YOU like to do and enjoy every minute of it! Whatever they're saying about you will be seen for what it is by those that matter - it's immature, ignorant, and meant to make you second-guess yourself. Unfortunately, some people can only boost their own ego by putting other people down. You will end up finding people with similar interests as you that will value your knowledge. Those that can't or won't see that in you now probably aren't worth your time anyway. Good luck, stay true to yourself and make no apologies for your choices! : )

Should the old testament be outlawed as violent bigotry and the justification of slavery it clearly glorifies?

You need to read a book for its entire message and in light of the context of it as religious thought and a positive message across the centuries

Could my father still be on meth? Very impotant?

Meths is the worst drug addiction there is ! Even heroin is easier to quit. Your Dad and Mom need Professional help...this is going to be a hard road for you go down, but you need to talk to them in ernest about your concerns and their effect on you. I don't know if you have brothers/sisters ? But if you do ,you may have to make a decision to contact local or state welfare agency for the sake of all of you..If your the only child ,You may want to consider going away,such as joining the military..! You cannot sacrifice your life for these parents if they are unwilling to seek help.Dont fool yourself into thinking you can mediate this crisis.! If you know a pastor or other clergy , please speak with them. If not , God welcomes beginners and may God lead you to answer for your problems.

Having trouble. How to fix these minor problems so my twins's can have toddler beds instead of cribs?

Ok. Now obviously I want to switch my twin's cribs into toddler beds. Ok now Johnny has a 4 in 1 crib so I can easily switch it to a toddler bed with little rails on the side. But Sammy (Samantha) has only a 3 in 1 so she doesn't have the rails. I tried one of those rail things for kids that sleep on normal beds but it doest work because there has to be a box spring under the normal mattress for it to stay. Without it, my kids pull it out and leave it hanging. Also Johnny likes to pull out the night light and put it back in several times. My daughter Sammy pulls out the plastic outlet cover things (white or clear doesn't matter) and she chews on them. They also pull any cords out of the wall so I have to make sure that they can't reach their lamps' cords by putting the lamp on a shelf on the wall and placing a dresser in front of the cord. The reason I don't put the lamp on the dresser is because Johnny will stand on whatever toy he can (no matter how small) and turn the lamp on and off. He also used to turn the lightswitches on and off until I took the lightbulbs out of the ceiling lights in both of their rooms. I told you I need help. No matter how many times they get ed and put in timeout they still do all of this behind my back. I need to be able to allow them to have toddler beds because they wiill be 3 soon and they don't know how to climb in or out of their cribs and they scream in the morning because they want out to play. So how in the world do I fix up their rooms and Sammy's bed so I don't have to worry about them getting hurt or messing with stuff at nap, bedtime, or when they play in their rooms?

Basketball pointguard help?

There are a lot of drills you can do that will improve your game, but you need to play in pick-up games over the summer too. Go to open gym with your friends and start games, because you just need more game experience to get better.

How long can aquatic frogs stay out of water?

I have 4 little aquatic frogs and 11 tadpoles but i love the little frogs! I like to stick my hand in the water and play with them. But i was just wondering if I could take them out of the water and for how long. please tell me how long they come out. And please tell me the true facts so i dont take them out to long and they die

Need help finding a good charity for children?

Any one have a good experience with a charity focused on Child welfare ? I am looking to specifically aid the victims of the famine in the horn of Africa. Some of the ones that I researched seem to be ridiculous in terms of salaries that they pay for their CEOs. For example ACF-USA pays its CEO over 200K $ which is more than what I earn and makes me hesitate making contributions.

Are you happy with your Google Blogger Blog?

I am carrying out a little survey among Google Blogger users. Please vote here http://blogs.qoody.net/blog-promotion/seo/blogging-with-google-blogger-seo/ . It will take only a minute. Thanks!

Does it sound like i might be pregnant?

im on seasonique (the pill) and i try to take it at the same time every night. i usually do. my boyfriend and i have and everytime he pulls out. i was supposed to start my period yesterday and i still havent. im startin to get worried. do u think im pregnant?

If your kid has bad case of diarhea at Target Store, is it ok to monopolize the only public bathroom?

It is holidays rush and many people are shopping. A mom and her boy tells the Target manager to prevent access to the mens bathroom cause her son had really bad case of diarhea and it is embarrasing for him to be seen by strangers in this manner. The manager stands in front of mens bathroom and tells guys they cannot enter and when asked if there is any alternate bathroom nearby, she rudely says no and please be understanding of the kids situation. The kid andis mom stay in their for over an hour and the manager guards the bathroom? Um, shouldn't the kid be in the hopital rather than a bathroom if his diarhea is lasting over an hour?

Why are self professing christians so obnoxious and rude towards Atheists.The godgobbers are always ranting?

Well sure it is. People like that annoy the crap out of me. But Atheists can be rude too. It's a two way street here, and both sides are at fault.

How can a felon from Washington State go about reinstating their firearm rights themselves - w/o lawyers?

This person is no longer on probation and it was a drug related charge. He would like to be able to use a gun for hunting but doesn't know where to get the information to do this or where to find the forms.

Please urgent help ! :)?

i am talking to a girl for more then 6 months.. but we are not together as in a relationship ! we had lot of sensual issues , i love her and she love too, she's afraid if we were together someday we'll leave each other and be no longer friends ! But now we want to figure out what we are.. we are not friends and we are not together.. it's really something disturbing ! if anyone has a solution please help :)

I have philips go gear mp3 player can i use i tunes and if so how?

i have a bunch of itunes on my computer and i want them to go on to my player but i can't figure out how to transfer them to mp3 or wma format

What should i take when i go to india?

Ok i am visiting india for about 3 months and i want to kow what to bring i am only 13 and i am staying with some familiy so i will get my laundry done and all but what little things are necessities in india

Natural makeup?????

The camera lens can do wonders that is why when you see them in the rags, they look like the rest of us, we don't all have the luxury of having everything airbrushed.

What message is this boy trying to send ?

Well me and this boy we are both 16 years old where friends for 2 years and he often hugs and stairs at me so much. for no reason and teases me and he also pokes me and tell's me stuff that is really weird and once told me i Love u " and pretended to go out with me. so when i liked him i told one of ur mutual friends and she mistakenly told him i liked him while we were playing a game and he went into total shock and was surprised and smiling then asked me if i like him and i said yes then he told me why didn't i tell him i like him and also he said he was going to go tell his friends then told me he didn't like me. i was broken hearted and a week later saw him at a party and he asked me 3 times if i use to like and i said yes then he told me i have grown tall and that he could not recognize me. im really confused on the message this boy is sending so i need an advice thx:)

Shaving ????

I first started shaving my when i first started getting hair becuz i didnt know, after a while i stopped but recentley i hav been curious and my hair was getting very anouying. so i shaved some of it off the other night but it got really itchy so i shaved it all off. now it looks grosse. iv neva liked my "down stairs" and im scard that wen i do loose my virginity that they guy is going to think im a freak for having an ugly or something i dont no. im too scared to ask my sisters or anyone i no and i am just so unsure about myself. some1 help plz

Pet Gecko/Lizard Decision?

What is the best kind of gecko or lizard to have....besides iguana,snake, or any spiders included in that catergory

What RB's should I start? Forte, Charles, or Foster?

Need to start 2 of the 3. Forte, Charles, or Foster. I have Foster and Charles in right now.. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks.

How do you deal with people you feel try to dictate your value or worth?

Let me tell you something. There are some people who are just waiting to put others down psychologically. Perhaps they are afraid that you'll outsmart them. So as a defense mechanism they want to put you down. As simple as that. They want to have full control on you. Don't allow that. If someone tramples you under their feet by the usage of words, you also do the same thing to them ! Tit for Tat. Don't be kind to such people. They don't deserve any kindness. They'll take you for a ride. Also give respect to people who respect you and acknowledges your standard and 'helps you to grow treating you with respect'. Only such people are genuine.

What the difference between a rapper and real MC?

Rappers got some illegal sh!t going on.MC's know they only got one hit so they better get the money why they can.

My fiance and i are getting married on friday... do we have to have a ceremony to make it official?

we are going down to the courthouse to get the licence. do you have to have a ceremony after getting the license to make it for sure?

House Rent Receipt Compnents?

Does House rent for the purpose of Income tax exemptions include electricty, water charges or only basic rent? Any Circular, notification from incoem tax department

Does my crush like me?

I have a dillemma!! I have a crush on this super-cute athletic guy in my school and Im pretty sure he likes me back because he always blushes when Im around him or when some body mentions my name around or to him. He also looks at me alot and tries to impress me with his super awesome bball skillz and he playfully teases me too. So does he like me? Yes or no answers are fine with me but i would like some details in yur answer. PLZ!!! THNX VERY MUCH!!!!!

Need Help Finding This Song?

Been searching for this song and I can't seem to find the title nor the Artist. It was a slow song from back in the eighties or seventies...a female singer..part of the chorus goes..."Do You wanna make love tonight...because the mood is right...Do You wanna dance under the stars.." That's all the lyrics I can remember..Help Me??

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Obama wants the top 5% of Americans to pay 3% more in taxes. Do they REALLY have anything to complain about?

Or have they gotten so used to everyone kissing their collective azz for so long the rich figure we should be paying them to grace us poor folk with their presence??