Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Was I too harsh with my daughter?

My wife and I have a 6 year old daughter who is really out of control. She is the type you see in the grocery store who calls her parents "stupid" and tells her mother to "shut up" We were at our wits end and then when I found an old mask I used for halloween and it gave me an idea, I would scare some respect into her. This thing has a black hood and is a scary grim reaper face. I waited until she want to bed, stuck it up to the light to get a good glow and then went into her room and woke her up. I told her "I am SKULLman and I am her to PUNISH you!!" She started to cry and I put the part of the mask with sharp teeth against her head and said,"I wil be back if you misbehave...GRRRROOOOOOOWWWWRRRR!" She was good for about a week and when she acted up I said to her,"honey, we don't need to call Mr. Skullman now do we?' I feel like she needed some healthy fear of authority and now she has it. My wife thinks I went to far.

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