Sunday, November 13, 2011

I want to join the Army as soon as I can but I need some guidance!?

I'm 15 and currently live in Scotland I have had no problems whatsoever at School but within the past year I have had on and off attendance partly because of my suffering of glandular fever and partly because of my deliberate non-attendance of school as a result of bullying and depression i lost touch with my friends and found myself alone i couldn't face going back to school and my confidence was next to nothing this went on unnoticed for a long time i would hide and dispose of letters from the school and lie to my mum she used to leave very early in the morning so there was no way she could know i wasnt going I am consequently a rather intelligent person so I have been not only letting my family down but myself down and my grades have suffered as a result somehow i managed to climb out of the pit of depression and despair when I turned myself in to the school because i couldnt take what i was doing to my mum but it had become such a habit, like an addiction i would tell myself that i would go to school the night before then be unable to the next day more recently i have started attending school again and my confidence is on the up as well as my self-esteem I do intend to join the Army but i am worried that if I go to join they will turn me away because of my School Attendance does anyone know there policy and please be light on me this is a difficult subject and this is my dream I have researched it and delved deep into the sites and what is asked of me, I am a mentally tough person who is motivated and strong after maturing and getting myself out of that mess, I apologise this is written horribly as I find it hard to explain it to anyone, but if you can piece what I have said together and give me and answer or an email address i could do with the advice or at least some guidance as to what i should do.

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