Sunday, November 13, 2011

Total cholesterol(98), HDL(22), LDL(31) VLDL(44), Tryglycerides is(224). should I be overly concerned?

I also have a fatty liver, fatty lymph nodes, enlarged liver and spleen, had my gall bladder removed 5 years ago. I had a TIA 9 years ago, recently suffered from Bells palsy (left side of face went numb). I am a male 40 yrs old 5'10 and 205 pounds. I was a truck driver till september when i could not handle the job anymore. I am NOT a drinker at all.. though I had been accused of drinking by my dr more than once when blood work came back, and was never once told why he kept asking if I drank over and over again. I do not smoke either, not currently on ANY meds (I was on lipod for 2 weeks a few months ago - made me sick and I stopped it and changed doctors at that time) I am trying to find information on LOW cholesterol.. I can find everything about HIGH but not LOW. I have NO energy and sleep alot too.

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